by Monica Durigon | Dec 14, 2020 | Energy, Thrive!, Weightloss
We’re all prone to a little indulgence at Christmas, but rich food and overeating can play havoc with your digestion, leaving you bloated and uncomfortable. It’s not surprising – we consume on average 6,000 calories on Christmas Day alone. That’s three times the...
by Monica Durigon | Oct 12, 2020 | Detox, Energy, Weightloss
How to support your mind during a cleanse – Mini Blog Series – Part3 This is the last blog from this mini-series about cleansing our body to be more energetic, reduce some of those unpleasant symptoms we suffer from and to lose some excess weight. In the previous blog...
by Monica Durigon | Oct 5, 2020 | Detox, Energy, Weightloss
In my previous blog I have explained the important of hydration, what to do to stay hydrated. I also explained about the food to eliminate from the diet and the importance of having a clear plan and getting organized. Today you are going to learn why you need to...
by Monica Durigon | Sep 29, 2020 | Detox, Energy, Weightloss
Welcome to this blog mini-series where you are going to learn how to do a safe and effective cleanse so that you can improve your energy level, lose weight and decrease many annoying and life limiting symptoms. First Download and complete your cleanse quiz you so you...
by Monica Durigon | May 15, 2020 | Healthy leader, Mental Wellbeing, Thrive!, Wellbeing at work
In the last ten years, there has been an honest and brave openness in discussing mental health. A discussion often promoted by well-known and respected figures from the sport and art industries who have been sharing their own experiences about living with mental...