“I feel tired all the time… I am so moody and irritable…I feel anxious… my stomach is always bloated …I can’t lose any weight…my skin is bad…nothing I have tried…...

“I feel tired all the time… I am so moody and irritable…I feel anxious… my stomach is always bloated …I can’t lose any weight…my skin is bad…nothing I have tried has worked”

I often hear these complaints from clients and friends, if they sound familiar to you or someone you know I recommend that you ask yourself this question:

“Could it be my liver?”
Often people do not connect these symptoms to their liver, however, the truth is that your health and wellbeing is dependent on how effectively your body removes toxins from your system and the liver is the main organ tasked with this constant cleansing process.

It works very hard at detox our blood, a challenge for any liver in the modern world…think about the enormous amount of toxicity we are exposed to everyday…pesticides, foods additives, colorants, flavourings, pollution in the air and water, thousands of chemicals that are in our homes and in the products, we use to clean and  that we even put on our skin!

And …detoxification is only one of the many functions that the liver performs every day! In fact, the liver is in charge of many essential functions related to digestion, metabolism, immunity, and the storage of nutrients within the body.

What do you do to keep it on top form?
At best, it gets ignored and it doesn’t get the attention it needs!
And often … it gets mistreated and has a tough time…alcohol, processed foods, caffeine overload, lack of sleep, stress, pollution, dehydration…

Don’t you think it is time to give it a little love and tender care?


Part 1:

A quick drinking guide to support your liver …
no…you won’t find any champagne in here!

1 – Start your day with hot water and lemon and try adding some fresh grated ginger or a little cayenne pepper too…get your system going! There is evidence that lemon juice can help stimulate stomach acid production and bile production important for digestion and detoxification. The bile helps to carry out toxins from the body.

2 – Buy a 750ml glass water bottle and fill it at least twice in a day…it will be easier for you to keep track of your water intake.

3 – Make one of your snacks a raw vegetable juice and include at least one of the following liver loving vegs: cabbage, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts…don’t be shy …give it a go …mix them with cucumber and carrots for a little sweetness.

4 – Substitute at least one of your coffees or black teas with a herbal tea containing a mix of herbs which supports detoxification such as dandelion, milk thistle, and fennel. Two of my favorite ones are “Detox “By Pukka and “Liver Detox “by Dr. Stewart … the names say it all…

5 – Finish the day with a golden turmeric milk… such a lovely, comforting drink to have in the evening.

Here how to make it for 2 people:
2 cups of homemade almond milk

1 tablespoon local honey, optional

1 tablespoon coconut oil, optional

1 teaspoon ground turmeric

1 cinnamon stick or 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

small pinch of black pepper and grated ginger

Simply pour all ingredients into a small saucepan and bring to a light boil. Whisk to combine ingredients. Reduce heat to low and simmer for up to 10 minutes. Strain it to get rid of any large bits floating around and enjoy whilst warm!

In my next blog LOVE THY LIVER part2  I am going to discuss the top 5 foods to keep your liver happy!

Wishing you the best health and vitality


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