Empowering your immunity series: AT LUNCH WITH VITAMIN A

🥕A-super lunch!🥕 😋A yummy, sweet tasting and comforting soup made with carrots (carotenoids rich) , sweet potatoes (carotenoids rich) , spinach (carotenoids rich), tomatoes (carotenoids rich) and lentils (chosen for…...

🥕A-super lunch!🥕

😋A yummy, sweet tasting and comforting soup made with carrots (carotenoids rich) , sweet potatoes (carotenoids rich) , spinach (carotenoids rich), tomatoes (carotenoids rich) and lentils (chosen for protein content) .

🥕Topped with parsley (carotenoids rich), accompanied by a corn cracker with butter (retinol rich), parsley and red chillie pepper ( carotenoids rich). 🌶

🗝Vitamin A is the generic term for retinol found in animal products and for provitamin A carotenoids found in fruit and vegetables.
Vitamin A was initially coined “the anti-infective vitamin” because of its importance in the normal functioning of the immune system.

🗝🗝🗝The skin and mucosal cells, lining the airways, digestive tract, and urinary tract, function as a barrier and form the body’s first line of defence against infection and rely on vitamin A for their immune functions.🗝🗝🗝

🗝🗝🛌Vitamin A has both, promoting and regulatory roles in the innate ( non-specific , first line of defence ) immune system and adaptive immunity ( which develops in response to specific threats, this is the part of the immune system that has “a memory” for viral and bacterial threats that it has encountered before).

🗝🗝🗝Vitamin A can enhance our immune function and provide a better defence against multiple infections🗝🗝🗝


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